Minutes from 7th January 2020

Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish Council meeting held at
Brothertoft Village Hall on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 7:00pm.
In Attendance: with Councillor Peter Robinson in the Chair, there were present Councillors: Paul Anderson, Barry Holden, David Ball, Angela Cannon and Nigel Early.
Clerk – Miss Sarah Kulwicki
County Councillor – Michael Brookes
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00 pm
- Chairman’s remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming. He wished everyone a happy new year.
- Apologies for absence – Apologies received and accepted from councillor R. Leggott, A. Dring, M. Leggott, District Councillor Chelcei Sharman and District Councillor George Cornhan.
- Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None.
- The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 5th November 2019 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
Proposed by Councillor D Ball and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and Resolved that the notes of the above meeting be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman.
- Matters arising..
- Councillor Early reported that the potholes had been done on Kirton Drove.
- Councillor Brookes reported that he has spoken with the Highways manager in regard to the trees on NFFB an inspection will be carried out to get a professional opinion and see if it would improve road conditions to remove the trees.
- To discuss and confirm the budget and precept for 2020-2021 – See attached budget
Proposed by Councillor N Early and Seconded by Councillor D. Ball and Resolved by all that budget be approved (see attached) and a precept of £3,250.00 be applied for.
- To approve payment of accounts: -
- To consider a donation for the Church Yard Maintenance Holland Fen/ chapel hill and Amber hill – To be done once written requests have been received.
- £20.00 Brotherotft village hall hire for January.
Proposed by Councillor P. Anderson and Seconded by Councillor D. Ball and Resolved by all that the above payment is approved and be duly paid.
- To note general correspondence – All done via email.
- To note all planning applications
- Ref: B/19/0492 – This application has been refused on a technicality.
- Discussion on potential application for log cabins near Hubbert’s bridge, No comments can be made until an application is submitted.
- Highways matters – Any problems to report
- Councillor Anderson reported that the uneven road surface sign between far end of chapel hill/ holland fen just past Cheethams bridge has been knocked over.
- The council reported that there are some bollards on Ferry lane which need investigating by highways.
- Councillor Ball reported that the tarmac is cracking on southside outside the entrance to the garage.
- To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
- County Councillor – Michael Brookes reported that the new CEO of Lincolnshire county council is Debbie Barns. She was the director of children services. 8 million pounds is to be invested in fire and recuse and 33 new Scania fire appliances.
- Borough Councillor – Chelcei Sharman & George Cornhan were not present and unable to give a report.
- Police – PSCO Neil Williams reported via email that there has been a burglary on ferry lane with undetected outcome. There was an assault on main road holland fen with 1 person arrested. There has also been 5 reported incidents of hare coursing.
- Date of next meeting –Tuesday 3rd March 2020, This meeting will commence at 7:00 p.m. at Holland Fen village Hall.
- Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda – There were none
The meeting closed at 8:10pm