Notes from 26.11.2024

Holland Fen with Brothertoft parish council meeting held on Tuesday 26th November 2024 in Holland Fen village hall at 7:00pm
In Attendance: with Councillor Paul Anderson in the Chair, there were present Councillors: Peter Robinson, Alan Dring, Nigel Early, Dave Ball, Angela Cannon and Mark Leggott. District Councillors Suzanne Wellbery, Stuart Evans and County Councillor Michael Brookes.
Clerk – Miss Sarah Kulwicki
Public: There was 1 member of public present. 
Absent: Councillor Richard Leggott.   
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00 pm. 
Public forum- None. 

1. Chairman’s remarks 

       The chairman welcomed all present. 

2. Apologies for absence  

Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Richard Leggott. 

3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act


4. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 24th September 2024 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

   It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor A. Dring and RESOLVED to approve the notes as minutes and the chairman to sign. 

5. Matters arising..

a) Cllr Evans told the council there is a planning meeting on Tuesday at 10am where application B/24/0366 – Walnut Tree Farm, Brothertoft, change of use to a children’s home for a maximum of 6 children. Will be discussed. Cllr Nigel Early will attend this on behalf of the parish council. 
b) Cllr Brookes reported that no objections have been received for either TRO for Chapel Hill and Holland Fen. 

6. The co-option of any potential candidate present – 1 vacancy 

   It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED for Edward Cawdron to be co-opted on to the council. 

7. To approve accounts:-  
a) PKF – Audit, late fee - £96.00
b) Holland Fen parish hall hire - £60.00
c) Cllr D.Ball – Padlock - £4.00
d) Clerks salary Oct &Nov  - £305.26
e) HMRC PAYE - £63.40
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor A. Cannon and RESOLVED to approve the payments as listed.  

8. To make proposals for the council’s budget and set the precept amount to be applied for
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor P. Anderson and RESOLVED for the budget to be approved and a precept of £5,250.00 to be applied for. 

9. To note general correspondence 
a) Email from Brothertoft village hall – The village hall has had some criminal damage carried out to their electric box. The person has been caught. The court have been in touch and as the parish council are the custodian trustees of the hall they have asked for the councils banking info so if the person makes payment they need to know where to send it to. Brothertoft village hall is going to complete the paperwork using the hall account. Repairs have already been carried out. 

b) Letter from Brothertoft PCC – The clerk was asked to write to the PCC and inform them that the council is happy to help support with advertising for their meeting and getting word out there but it is really down to the PCC to call and organise their own meetings. 
   It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor P. Anderson and RESOLVED for the clerk to write to them and inform them of the above. 

10. To note all planning applications 


11. Highways matters – Any problems to report

a) Councillor Leggott reported subsidence on NFFB from Chapel Hill to Toft Tunnell. 
b) Councillor Dring reported subsidence to the south of Parsons Bridge. 
c) Councillor Anderson asked the clerk to report the empty grit box on Ferry Lane corner. 
12. To discuss speeding prevention methods 

Reactive speed sign has now been erected. 

13. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations

a) County Councillor – Michael Brookes told the council that there is a farer funding campaign on the county councils website and he asked the council to consider completing it. He also told the council that there is an update on the pylons and solar farms in the town and parish news who are also doing a survey for members of public to complete. 
b) Borough Councillor – Stuart Evans told the council that he is continuing to report the parking on the verge to Network rail and Suzanne Welberry had nothing to report.  
c) Police – Not present no report given. 
d) Councillor A. Cannon told the council that herself and Councillor M. Leggott attended the parish liaison meeting where policing was discussed and there are locals plans available on their website and quarterly newsletters. She also told the council that the planning inspector Alan Watts attended and covered a few general planning topics. 

14. Date of next meeting –Tuesday 28th January 2025, at Brothertoft village hall at 7:00pm. 

15. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda

       The meeting closed at 8:12pm 

Signed by chairman:    0028.01.2024