Minutes from 23.07.2024

Holland Fen with Brothertoft parish council meeting, held on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 in Holland Fen village hall at 7:30pm
In Attendance: Councillors: Paul Anderson, Mark Leggott, Peter Robinson, Nigel Early, Angela Cannon and David Ball. District Councillor Mike Brookes, Borough councillor S. Evans and S. Wellbury. 
Clerk – Miss Sarah- Louise Kulwicki
Public: There were no members of public present. 
Absent: Councillor R. Leggott and Alan Dring. 
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:31pm.  
1. Chairman’s remarks 

Cllr Anderson informed the council that Jo Brigham has resigned as she is now the chair of Boston Town Board. 

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies received and accepted from Councillor R. Leggott and Cllr A. Dring.  

3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act


4. Election of Vice Chairman - signing of declaration of acceptance of office.

Councillor P. Anderson Proposed Councillor N. Early for Vice- chairman which was Seconded by Councillor D. Ball and Resolved. Councillor N. Early accepted his nomination and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 

5. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 14th May 2024 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.

6. Matters arising..

a) Cllr Ball reported on fix my street that the chevron board has been knocked down near Brothertoft village hall and it has been removed from the verge but not re-erected. Cllr Brookes asked for the report number so he can chase it.  

7. Approval/ review of council policies – no changes have been made

It was: -
Proposed by Councillor D. Ball and Seconded by Councillor M. Leggott and RESOLVED by all that the policies be approve and signed by the chairman. 

8. To approve payment of accounts:-  

a) Clerks salary and expenses for June and July - £413.26
b) HMRC - £63.40
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor A. Cannon and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED by all that the payments be approved any duly paid. 

9. To note general correspondence 

The clerk reported that she has been contacted by a police community engagement officer and they sent out the Lincs Police newsletter via post. It was suggest that she try and get the online updates.  The clerk circulated hard copies of the speed limit change notice and the road closure coming up in Kirton Drove. She also told the council when the LALC summer conference is. 

10. To note all planning applications

a) Ref: B/24/0273 – Erection of an extension to existing agricultural building at Ivy House Farm, Langrick Road. The councillors had no objections. 

11. Highways matters – Any problems to report

a) Cllr Robinson reported that the chevron on Hubbert’s bridge is missing. 
b) Cllr M. Leggott reported that he has had several complaints about the newly planted hedge at Toft Tunnel farm house. 
c) Cllr Ball reported issues with speeding up to Langrick Bridge. 
d) Cllr Early repoted 4 hole in Kirton Drove near Fiel View House. 
e) Cllr Evans will report the new pot holes outside Derek Meads. 
12. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations

a) County Councillor – Michael Brookes reported that the rights of way survey is being carried out now and if the councillor have any comments they should make them. He also told the council that the works on Kirton Drove have been done and the public consolation is open for the speed limit change at the moment. 
b) Borough Councillor – Stuart Evans had nothing to report and Suzanne Welberry told the council that the peer challenge is being carried out which involves interviewing some Cllrs to see how the Borough council is doing and it is currently looking very town centred rather than including smaller parishes. 
c) Police – Police have sent the policing plan and have made contact with the clerk see item 9. Cllr M. Leggott reported that deep poaching and hare coursing are a big problem at the moment. 

13. Date of next meeting 

Tuesday 24th September 2023, at Brothertoft village hall at 7:30pm. 

14. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda

       Co – option to be added to next agenda and purchase of a speed sign.
Signed by chairman: 0 The meeting closed at 8:41pm 024.09.2024