Minutes from 24.09.2024


Holland Fen with Brothertoft parish council meeting held on Tuesday 24th September 2024 in Brothertoft village hall at 7:30pm
In Attendance: with Councillor Paul Anderson in the Chair, there were present Councillors: Richard Leggott, Peter Robinson, Alan Dring, Nigel Early, Dave Ball, Angela Cannon and Mark Leggott. District Councillors Suzanne Wellbery, Stuart Evans and County Councillor Michael Brookes.
Clerk – Miss Sarah Kulwicki
Public: There was 13 members of public present. 
Absent: None.  
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:30 pm. 
Public forum: 
A member of public brought forwards their concerns with a planning application reference B/24/0366, Walnut Tree Farm which states there will be integration into local community but there are no amenities in 2.5 miles of the site, and it is surrounded by mostly older residents. There are no bus routes, pavements or streetlights on Punchbowl Lane. The good neighbour policy gives concerns for local residents and for a small rural community to give the children what they need. 

A member of public who lives adjacent to the application is concerned with the road safety as it is a 60mph road and there will be no fencing around the property. They as well reiterated the issues with no pavements and integration into the community. They also told the council their concerns with the increase in traffic and the pollution this brings as well as it being in close proximity to a chemical store. There was also concern for local wildlife and the increase in waste water from the house and how it can be disposed of as application states mains sewer but it is a septic tank which is not large capacity. 

A mop asked for a more sustainable environment to be considered. 

Boston Borough Council Stuart Evans told all that he has asked for the application to be called into planning committee and if it is he will update the parish council. 

1. Chairmans remarks 


2. Apologies for absence 

3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act 

4. The notes from the meeting of the council held on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 (attached) to be approved as Mintes and signed by the chairman 

It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED to approve the notes as minutes and the chairman to sign. 

5. Matters arising.

a) Cllr Evans reported that most of the pot holes near Derek Meads had been filled and  he will take picture of the last pot hole and send it in via fix my street. 
b) Cllr Ball told all he has managed to get 6 volunteers for community speed watch if the council decides to do this. 

6. The co-option of potential candidates present

None. Councillor Leggott reported that he has asked one person who may be interested but they will register their interest in due course. 

7. To approve accounts:- 

a) 2nd precept payment received - £2,500.00
b) Clerks salary, tax and HMRC refund and expenses for Aug and Sept - £431.86
c) Brothertoft village hall hire - £15.00 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor D. Ball and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid. 

8. To note all planning applications

a) B/24/0366 – Walnut Tree Farm, Brothertoft, change of use to a children’s home for a maximum of 6 children. The council support the representations of the public and object to this application. The clerk was asked to compose an object based on the publics valid planning concerns. 

9. Highways matters – Any problems to report

a) Councillor Leggott reported the subsidence on Cheetams Lane leading to Dovecoat Lane. 
b) Councillor Brookes told the council he had no updates on the speed limit change. 
c) Councillor Andreson reported some trees in the road on beech wood. 
d) Councillor Andreson reported fly tipping on Washdyke Lane, left onto side of the riverbank. Councillor Evans told all he will report it. 

10. To discuss speeding prevention methods 
The council discussed the CSW speed gun initiative and the purchase of a reactive speed sign. 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor P. Robinson and Seconded by Councillor M. Leggott and RESOLVED by all that the council arrange for a post to be installed and purchase a reactive sign.  

11. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations

a. County Councillor – Michael Brookes told all that devolution has been accepted by government and there will be a mayor of greater Lincolnshire. The expected election with run in line with the county council ones in May 2025.  
b. Borough Councillor – Stuart Evans told all the missing sign on Punchbowl Lane is something he is still working on. He has also written to Network rail about the parking on the verge side blocking the view for drives and this will hopefully get resolved soon. District Councillor Suzanne Welberry told all that there is a new neighbourhood team at the borough, and you can now apply for new litter and dog bins very easily. 
c. Police – Councillor M. Leggott reported that there have been 3 break ins in Brothertoft. 

12. Date of next meeting –Tuesday 26th November 2024, at Holland Fen village hall at 7:00pm. 

13. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda

a) Cllr Robinson asked for the parish council website to be updated. 
The meeting closed at 9:06pm