Minutes from 19.03.2024

Holland Fen with Brothertoft parish council meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 in Brothertoft village hall at 7:00pm
In Attendance: with Councillor Mark Leggott in the Chair, there were present Councillors: Dave Ball, Peter Robinson, Nigel Early, Alan Dring, Angela Cannon, R. Leggott, J. Brigham and Paul Anderson. Borough councillor S. Evans.
Clerk – Miss Sarah- Louise Kulwicki
Public: There were no members of public present. 

Absent: District Councillor S. Wellberry and County Councillor M. Brookes. 
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00 pm. 
1. Chairman’s remarks – None. 

2. Apologies for absence - Apologies received from District Councillor Suzanne Wellberry and County Councillor Mike Brookes. 

3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – Councillor R. Leggott declared an interest on the National Grid Pylons proposal. 

4. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 9th January 2024 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor R. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor A. Dring and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.

5. Matters arising..
a) Councillor M. Leggott reported that Kirton Fen carriage way is still in need of surfacing works. 

6. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Councillor – Michael Brookes sent a report via email. 
b) Borough Councillor – Stuart Evans told the council that there has been an increase of accidents on Punchbowl Lane. The council discussed adding a mini roundabout from Punchbowl and Langrick Road, Councillor Evans agreed to investigate. He also discussed the national grid pylons and the consolations which has now closed. Cllrs where able to make their own comments on the proposals. 
c) Police – Not present, no report given. 

7. National Grid Pylons, Grimsby to Walpole – The council discussed the proposal and the current media coverage of the pylons. The council is fully against the proposal and the chairman encourages the councillors to make their own representations to their local MP.

8. Brothertoft village hall accounts – Not yet received. 

9. To approve payment of accounts:-  
a) LALC Annual subs - £241.78
b) Clerks salary, HMRC and expenses for Feb and March - £368.66
c) Brothertoft Churchyard - £225.00
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor R. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor A. Dring and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid. 

d) To discuss the purchase of a defibrillator – The clerk contacted Brothertoft village hall about hosting the defib outside the building which they have agreed to do but the council need to pay for the installation and maintenance of it. Councillor Ball offered to house the defib outside Langrick Bridge stores, he will write an official letter to the council offering this and to keep it regularly maintained. 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor A. Dring and RESOLVED by all that the defibrillator be erected outside Langrick Bridge stores and purchased from London Hearts for £750.00. 
10. To note general correspondence 
a) Parish liaison meeting – Councillor M. Leggott told the council that the meeting was very useful and there is quote a lot of things the Borough council can do for the parish council like promoting local events on their website. The minutes from the liaison meeting have not yet been circulated, the next meeting to be held on 17th April at 7pm. Councillors M. Leggott and A. Cannon will attend the next meeting. Councillor Brigham asked if they could bring specific items to the Boroughs attention like what the criteria is for permitted development.
b) The council has received an email asking for local feedback on where electric car charging points could go in the parish. The clerk was asked to recommend Langrick Bridge stores as the only suitable location in the area. 

11. To note all planning applications
a) Ref: B/24/0076 – The cottage, Dovecote Lane, Kirton Fen. Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of a new domestic garage, conversion of outbuilding to workshop and erection of 3 bay garage, with access. The council discussed retrospective applications. It was suggested that additional fees should be applied for application like this where works has all ready started due to the amount of investigative works taken place by the planning department. The council do not support or object but would like to encourage that the planning department look closely at this application due to the fact it is retrospective and it is unknown if its inline with current policy and a accurate representation of what was there before works started.

12. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Councillor Ball reported again the build up of road debris on Langrick Bridge, Councillor Evan will report this again. 
b) Councillor N. Early reported the pot holes outside the Medows, Kirton Fen.
c) Councillor M. Leggott reported that the pot holes are still outside of Derek Meads foods as only some have been filled.
d) Councillor R. Leggott reported the dents on the road near Cheetams Bridge. 
e) Councillor P. Anderson reported a road sing which has been knocked down near 200acre farm, Kirton Drove. 
f) Councillor J. Brigham would like an update on priorities for roads and where the works are and how they are deemed a priority. She will draft a question for the clerk to send on. 
g) Councillors reported that the railway workers are still parking on the junction which makes it difficult for people pulling out of Hubbert’s Bridge. Councillor Evans will chase this issue. 

13. Date of next meeting – Annual parish meeting on Tuesday 14th May 2024, at Brothertoft village hall at 7:30pm. Followed by the annual council meeting at 8:00pm. The clerk was asked to email Councillor Brookes and ask which dates would best suit him. 

14. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda – None

The meeting closed at 8:08pm

Signed by chairman:0014.05.2024