Minutes from 14.05.2024

Holland Fen with Brothertoft annual parish council meeting, held on Tuesday 14th May 2024 in Brothertoft village hall at 8:00pm
In Attendance: Councillors: Mark Leggott, Peter Robinson, Nigel Early, Alan Dring, Angela Cannon, R. Leggott and Paul Anderson. Borough councillor S. Evans. 
Clerk – Miss Sarah- Louise Kulwicki
Public: There were no members of public present. 
Absent: Councillor D. Ball, J. Brigham, District Councillor Suzanne Wellbury and County Councillor M. Brookes. 
The chairman declared the meeting open at 8:00 pm following on from the annual parish meeting. 
1. Election of Chairman - signing of declaration of acceptance of office.

Councillor A. Dring Proposed Councillor P. Anderson for chairman which was Seconded by Councillor R. Leggott and Resolved. Councillor P. Anderson accepted his nomination and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 

There were no other nominations. 

2. Election of Vice Chairman - signing of declaration of acceptance of office.

There were no nominations at this time, this will be added to the next councils meeting agenda. 

3. Apologies for absence and reasons given 

Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Jo Brigham, D. Ball, District Councillor Suzanne Wellbury and County Councillor Mike Brookes.

4. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None. The council discussed what a DPI is and when a councillor should declare one. 

5. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.

6. Audit of accounts – presentation of accounts – Internal auditor has done checks all cleared for approval of this Council

a) To approve the annual governance statement in the annual return
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor A. Cannon and RESOLVED. 

b) To confirm and approve the accounting statements contained in the Annual Return 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor P. Anderson and Seconded by Councillor M. Leggott and RESOLVED. 

c) To approve the council’s certificate of exemption 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED.

7. To approve payment of accounts: -  
a) ICO Data protection annual fee - £40.00
b) Zurich – councils insurance  - £216.06
c) S. Kulwicki- £305.46
d) HMRC PAYE- £63.20
e) Internal Audit - £45.00
f) Brothertoft village hall - £20.00 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor R. Leggott and RESOLVED to approve the above payments. 

8. Presentation of Brothertoft village hall accounts – The clerk has circulated the accounts via email and Councillor M. Leggott circulated his paper copy to all the councillors. 

9. Report back from parish liaison meeting 

Councillor A. Cannon attended the parish liaison meeting in the brough offices on the 17th April as the parish council representative. She told the council that BBC have set their grass cutting schedule and the road sweeping will be carried out one a quarter, focusing on the town. She told the council that there can only be 4 car boots in the Borough. And there was a zoom meeting with the police inspector and they are focusing on shop lifting in Boston and anti-social behaviour. They promote the reporting of rural crimes and accessing the local newsletters which are available online.  She also told the council of a love your neighbour campaign taking place and handed out some flyers. There was a talk by Highways officers Daniel Adams and Cara Nettle on how highways issues are prioritised. She also noted that dog and litter bins can be moved by the Borough council at any time at their cost. 

10. To note general correspondence 
a) Councillor R. Leggott reported that there will be an Emergency Road closure Order - North Forty Foot Bank (Between Cheethams Lane & a point 700m Southeast) from 09/05/2024 - 15/05/2024. 
b) Councillor M. Leggott reported that Kirton Drove, reconstruction of the carriage way works will take place on Works will commence Tuesday 4TH June 2024 and will conclude on Monday 17TH June 2024.

11. To note all planning applications –
a) Councillor M. Leggott asked the clerk to investigate if an application is required when new vehicle access is created. Senior planning officer Alan Watts told the council that this is required if the road is a classified road. Councillor M. Leggott told the council that a new entry way has been created on Ferry Lane as a gateway with hipped sides has been installed. 

It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor P. Anderson and RESOLVED to report this to the Borough council for investigation. 

Councillor N. Early abstained from voting.  

12. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Councillor M. Leggott reported the pot hole on Ferry Lane outside Derek Meads Farm, on the south side of the road. 
b) Councillor R. Leggott reported a large pot hole on NFFB, between Gill end and Hill house Farm on north side of the road. 
c) Councillor Dring reported a pot hole on Dovecoat lane but it has been marked to have works carried out. 
d) Councillor Peter Robinson reported that the chevron board has been knocked down on the bend before Brothertoft village hall. 
e) Councillor Peter Robinson also reported that the street light opposite the village hall does not work, Councillor M. Leggott got the number of the collum which is no 5 for the clerk to report. 
f) Councillor P. Robinson reported that there is a pole encroaching on the road surfacing on Punchbowl Lane which may need to be moved further back. 
g) Councillor A. Cannon reported that there is still no punchbowl lane street sign at the top of the road. 
h) Councillor R. Leggott reported subsidence on NFFB and he is disappointed with the lack of pot holes being filled. 
i) Councillor A. Dring reported the subsidence on Parsons Lane near council bungalows which makes you catch your sump on the road. 

13. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations   
a) Councillor Evans reported that the working group assessing the car parks have completed their assessment and made their recommendations to the Borough. He noted that none of the Borough car parks make a profit and would like to make the spaces wider on the cattle market car park as they need re lining anyway. He told all that LCC support the National Grid pylons underground scheme and keep asking for it to be called to a scrutiny committee but one councillor keeps stopping this from happening so nothing can be done at this time. He has personally send 4 emails to National Grid about their costing being creative. 
14. Date of next meeting –Tuesday 23rd July 2024, this meeting will commence at 7:30 p.m. at Holland Fen village hall. 

Meeting date to change to allow for the county councillor to attend. 

Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish council meeting dates for 2024:
Brothertoft Village Hall:
Tuesday 14th May 2024 7:30pm APM followed by AGM
Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 7:30pm
Holland Fen Village Hall:
Tuesday 23rd July 2024 7:30pm
Tuesday 26th November 2024 7:00pm

    Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish council meeting dates for 2025:
Brothertoft Village Hall:
    Tuesday 28th  January 2025 7:00pm
Tuesday 27th May 2025 7:30pm APM followed by AGM
Tuesday 23rd September 2025 at 7:30pm
Holland Fen Village Hall:
Tuesday 25th March 2025 7:00pm
Tuesday 22nd July 2025 7:30pm
Tuesday 25th November 2025 7:00pm

It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott and Seconded by Councillor R. Leggott and RESOLVED to approve and change the meeting dates to the above.  

15. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda

The meeting closed at 8:47pm 

Signed by chairman:    023.07.2024