Minutes from 09.01.2024

Holland Fen with Brothertoft parish council meeting held on Tuesday 9th January 2024 in Brothertoft village hall at 7:00pm
In Attendance: with Councillor Mark Leggott in the Chair, there were present Councillors: Dave Ball, Peter Robinson, Nigel Early, Alan Dring, Angela Cannon, R. Leggott and Paul Anderson. Borough councillor S. Evans and S. Welberry.
Clerk – Miss Sarah- Louise Kulwicki
Public: There was no members of public present. 
Absent: Councillor J. Brigham and County Councillor M. Brookes. 
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00 pm. 
1. Chairman’s remarks – None. 

2. Apologies for absence – Apologies received from Councillor Jo Brigham and County Councillor Mike Brookes. 

3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None. 

4. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 07th November 2023 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor R. Leggott  and Seconded by Councillor A. Cannon and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.

5. Matters arising..
a) Councillor M. Leggott told that council that Senior planning enforcement has responded to the council with: I have now been in contact with the property owner and explained that due to the positioning of the outbuilding (being forward of the principle elevation of the house) that planning permission is required for it.  He has said he will submit a planning application seeking retrospective consent.  I have asked that he submit the application by the end of January 2024.  Obviously the Parish Council will be notified of any application received. The council were pleased with the progress. 
b) Councillor M. Leggott reported that there is one other place available for the parish liaison meeting. Councillor Cannon is happy to attend. The clerk was asked to confirm her place and email over any information. 

6. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Councillor – Michael Brookes reported via email: I have requested a speed limit assessment on Punchbowl Lane because of concerns raised at previous meetings for which I am awaiting the result of the initial assessment. I will forward you the e mail received from the Traffic Regulation Order team which explains fully.

I have also requested an assessment for an extension of the 30mph limit at Chapel Hill past the Caravan and Holiday Lodges section. This was following a request from a member of the public concerned about pedestrians' safety along that section, particularly children. The highways manager has agreed to put it forward for 
assessment against the speed limit policy on development density grounds because of the number of holiday homes over this section. 

The Kirton Fen carriageway re-construction on the section between Viking link and Parsons Drove is scheduled for this coming summer as covered in my reply to your e mail enquiry following your last meeting.

Please mention the Greater Lincolnshire Devolution consultation and feedback questionnaire for which I have included the link below. There are also several Drop-in sessions scheduled throughout the county with one taking place at Boston United Football Ground on Thursday 11th January from 3.00pm to 7.00pm.

b) Borough Councillor – Stuart Evans  told the council that he is putting together a working group for the boroughs car parks and would welcome all feedback on them. Councillor R. Leggott told him that the market place is owned by LCC and the residents have very little say on what happened here. Both District councillors agreed to take his comment forwards. Free parking was discussed by the parish councillors and the fact that it may encourage more people into the town to spend money, event if it was just one weekend a month. Councillor Welberry reported that some of the car park meters don’t have lights which makes it very difficult to see what you are doing in the afternoon/ evenings. She is going to make the district council aware of this problem. 

Borough councillor Suzanne Welberry told the council that she will watch the planning application on the cottage closely and update the council when she can. 

c) Police – Not present no report given. Councillor Leggott reported an increase of hare coursing in the area and 3 people have been arrested. 

7. To approve payment of accounts:-  
a) Holland Fen parish hall hire for 2023 - £54.00 (PAID) 
b) Clerks salary, HMRC and expenses for Dec and Jan - £368.66
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor A. Dring  and Seconded by Councillor A. Cannon and RESOLVED by all that the above payment be approved and duly paid. 
c) To discuss the purchase of a defibrillator – Councillor Leggott agreed to contact the chairman of Amber hill parish council and discuss the funding they got to help purchase their defib. 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor R. Leggott  and Seconded by Councillor A. Cannon and RESOLVED by all that this be discussed at the next council meeting. 

8. To note general correspondence 
a) Parish liaison meeting – 1 vacancy – see matters arising item 5b. 
b) Councillor M. Leggott told the council of a recent letter received from LCC about putting in a bus stop pole with flag and information case outside Brothertoft village hall. The council discussed this location and it has no footways, lighting and isn’t built up, the better location would be Ferry Lane, which the clerk was asked to write a response and suggest this area instead. 

9. To note all planning applications
a) The cottage, Dovecote Lane – see matters arising item 5a. 
b) No: B/23/0373 – Shed adjacent to Elm tree cottage. Application for prior notification under ... for the Change of use of Agricultural Shed to a 'Class B8' (Storage & Distribution) & Class E(g)(iii) Use (Industrial processes which can be carried out in a residential area without detriment to its amenity) – Majority of Councillors submitted no comments. 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor R. Leggott  and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED by all that the following comments be submitted: 
The shed in question is basically only second hand telegraph poles covered in corrugated sheeting  with an earth floor and open front, it has only ever been used to provide minimal cover for a few farm implements, there are no foundations and has never been subject to its own planning .The original brick buildings on the site have been used for change of use for a private dwelling.
Furthermore there is no direct access from the site onto Ferry Lane ,the access is via a farm track which goes around and past the back of the private dwellings which front onto Ferry Lane, so any change of use that would potentially increase traffic or personnel would obviously be of concern to those residents 
c) Application No: B/23/0430 - Willow Farm, Fenside Road, Brothertoft, Boston PE21 8LB - Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q of Agricultural Buildings to 1no. larger dwelling house (Use Class C3) and for building operations necessary for the conversion. Council to sent their comments to the clerk.

10. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Speed limit change request - 30 mile an hour limit at Chapel Hill extended to the south. See item 6a.
b) Councillor Cannon reported that there is no punchbowl lane sign on the south side of the road. 
c) Councillor Early reported a cluster of pot holes between Castle Lane and Kirton Fen. 
d) Councillor Ball reported that the grit bin on Ferry Lane is almost empty and needs refilling. 
e) Councillor M. Leggott reported the subsidence on Parsons Lane, Holland Fen. 

11. Date of next meeting –Tuesday 19th March 2024, at Holland Fen village hall at 7:00pm. 
The council discussed moving the meeting dates to the 3rd Tuesday of the month to allow for the County Councillor to be able to attend. 
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor M. Leggott  and Seconded by Councillor N. Early and RESOLVED by all that the dates be moved to the 3rd Tuesday. Dates as follows: 
Brothertoft Village Hall:
Tuesday 14th May 2024 7:30pm APM followed by AGM (cannot change clerk not avliable) 
Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 7:30pm
Holland Fen Village Hall:
Tuesday 19th March 2024 7:00pm
Tuesday 16th July 2024 7:30pm
Tuesday 19th November 2024 7:00pm

12. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda
a) Purchase of a defibrillator 

The meeting closed at 8:21pm
Signed by chairman:    0019.03.2024