Minutes from 3rd May - Annual council meeting

Holland Fen with Brothertoft Annual Council Meeting held at
 Brothertoft Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd May 2022
In attendance: with Councillor Nigel Early in the Chair, Councillors Richard Leggott, Paul Anderson, Mark Leggott and Dave Ball. County Councillor Michael Brookes was also in attendance. 
Absent: Councillor Peter Robinson, Councillor Alan Dring, Councillor Angela Cannon & Councillor Jo Brigham.
Taking the notes Mrs Kathleen Roberts
Public: There was no public in attendance. 
The Chairman declared the meeting open at 8pm
1. Election of Chairman - Councillor Nigel Early called for nominations for Chairman
Councillor D. Ball proposed Councillor Mark Leggott, seconded by Councillor Richard Leggott, no further nominations; all voted in favour, RESOLVED – Councillor M Leggott took the Chair and signed the declaration of interest. 

2. Election of Vice Chairman – Councillor R Leggott proposed Councillor P Anderson, seconded Councillor D Ball – Councillor P Anderson wished to take some time to decide if the position was for him at this time – decision will be made at the next council meeting. 

3. Apologies for absence – Received and accepted from Councillor Peter Robinson, Councillor Alan Dring, Councillor Angela Cannon & Councillor Jo Brigham.

4. Declaration of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act - No declarations at this point. 

5. The notes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 1st March 2022 to be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
    It was: - 
Proposed Councillor D Ball and seconded Councillor N Early and RESOLVED by all that the notes were approved as a true and correct record; signed by Chairman Councillor Mark Leggott.

6. Matters Arising…
a) Discussion on dog waste bin – agenda item for next meeting 
b) Grit bin – agenda item required to approve purchase – suggestion that the position be moved, permission required to re-site the bin on the Highways (clerk to complete application for this) CR Leggott & Son offered to create and pay for a base for the grit bin, this was agreed and will be completed at the earliest opportunity following approval from Highways. 
c) Council Councillor M Brookes explained LCC Highways are in conversation with the Viking Link team over the work still to be carried out by them at Kirton Drove. It was reported that LCC had repaired some potholes the previous week. The Hedge at Sheaf House has been cut 

to highway standards. Councillors were still not satisfied with this as the visibility is still poor. Councillor Brookes would question this again with the Highways Manager.

7. To approve Payment of accounts: - 
a) Boston Borough Council removal of light - £780.00
b) Zurich Insurance £144.59
c) Jubilee donation to the Friends Holland Fen Hall towards events £200
    It was: - 
Proposed Councillor D Ball and seconded Councillor N Early and RESOLVED by all that the above payment be approved and duly paid. 

8. To note Correspondence – Letter from The Friends of Holland Fen Hall, thank you for the offer of donation. 

9. To note all planning applications - No planning applications.

10. Highways Matters:
a) Councillor D Ball, the footpath outside of the shop at Langrick Bridge has been badly repaired, this has caused trip hazard and accident has happened (Clerk and Councillor Ball will report this with photographs of the path and details of the injury). 

11. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations  
a) County Councillor Michael Brookes - Having done his replies throughout the meeting asked Councillors to sign up to the County Views Panel – also requesting promotion of this to the general public; anyone can sign up to receive information on County Consultations on future projects. 
b) Borough councillors – Not in attendance, no report given. 
c) Police – Not in attendance no report given. 

12. Date and time of next meeting - Tuesday 5th July 2022 at 7.30pm in Holland Fen Village Hall. 

13. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda 
a) To confirm appointment or elect Vice Chairman. 
b) Dog waste bin at Brothertoft Village Hall
c) Grit Bin update on permission and purchase Bin 
d) Chairman Councillor Mark Leggott gave his apologies in advance and requested that the previous Chairman stepped in to Chair this meeting.

Meeting closed 8.45pm 

Signed by chairman: ……………………………..    0005.07.2022