Agenda for 4th February 2020

Holland Fen with Brothertoft Parish Council
You are hereby invited by the Chairman of Holland Fen with Brothertoft parish council to discuss a proposed planning application ref: B/. The applicant will be at the meeting to answer any questions.
The meeting will be held at Brothertoft Village Hall, on Tuesday 4th February 2020 at 7.00 pm.
Please come along and support your parish council.
Public and press are welcome to attend.
- Chairman’s remarks
- To discuss Planning application - ref: B/19/0520 – Boston West Golf centre, Langrick road. Planning permission for the part change of use of the golf course for the siting of caravans with associated works including landscaping, handstandings and access routes; provision of a sales area including siting of "show units" and associated parking; and Outline planning permission (all matters reserved) for the development of a "hub" building of up to 12,000sqm total floorspace - to contain an ancillary reception/activity centre/spa (Class D2)/retail unit (up to 100sqm)/ food and beverage (Classes A1, A4 and A5) and facilities management and ancillary works; and provision of a sales building and associated works.
To include representations from applicants and questions from the council and public.
- Date of next meeting –Tuesday 3rd March 2020, This meeting will commence at 7:00 p.m. at Holland Fen village Hall.